Set ANDROID_HOME and Path Variables for android studio SDK
1. Right-click on 'My Computer'/'This PC' and select Properties. Go to Advanced system settings and select ‘Environmental Variables’ option.
3. Put ANDROID_HOME as Variable name and provide the path of the SDK folder next to Variable value.
4. Click OK to close the dialog box
5. Go to the folder where SDK has been installed.
6. Inside the SDK folder look for ‘tools’ and ‘platform-tools’ folder.
7. Copy the path for both tools and platform-tools.
8. Open ‘Environmental Variables’ dialog box.
9. Go to System Variables table and locate the Path variable.
10. Edit the path variable from ‘Edit system Variables’ dialog box.
11. Add the ‘tools’ and platform-tools’ folder’s full path.
12. Close the entire opened dialog box.
13. This configures the Android. However, to check open the command prompt.
14. Type the command ‘android’. This will open the Android SDK Manager dialog box.
15. This ensures that the android is configured properly.
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